⚠️ Issues
Considering the amount of features, there may exist some bugs or not fully implemented functionality. Since this is an open-source free-to-use library, we call on all developers to help contribute into making this project near perfect. If you've spotted anything that can be fxed, we expect you to push a pull request with the necessary changes.
Current issues
1) Creating a password type input with nighthawk-form-control is currenty slightly bugged. You have to wrap the input with some element, for example an empty div.
2) For some components, the styles might not be fully configurable / exposed to SCSS variables.
3) For some components, the (translation) text label(s) might not be fully configurable / exposed to modifying.
4) There exists no tests, and probably won't ever be added.
If you've spotted any additional issues, please open a GitHub ticket here.