

👋🏼 Public release v 7.0.0

Version 7.0.0 is the first public release of this library. Full list of features can be found above. If you'd like something to be added to this library, then please open an issue on GitHub.

General features

* Page loader

Page loader is the essential core part of this library - it will wait for the page to finish loading all images (both "img" tags and background-images). It will also wait for all specified fonts to be loaded. You can set a minimum amount of time for the loader to be shown for, regardless of whether the loader has already actually finished loading. So for example, if you set "minimumLoaderTime" to 1000ms, but the page takes 300ms to load, it will "load" the page for 1000ms before hiding the loader. If you so wish, you can also call the NighthawkBootstrapService::pageLoaded() function, to manually mark the current page as "loaded".


* Buttons, Form Controls, Image Loader, In-View, Tooltip

Some basic HTML directives.


* Date Format, First Key

Some basic Angular pipes.


* Lightbox

Basic lightbox / image viewer based on Swiper.


* Calendar, Checkbox, Date Selector, Dialogs, Dropdown, Loader, Multiselect, Quantity Selector, Radios, Range Picker, Range Select, Select, Swiper, Table, Tabs, Text Editor

Some basic Angular pipes.